Afghanistan Passport Visa-Free Countries

Travel with an Afghanistan passport

The Afghan passport occupies the 112th position in the world passport ranking.
This is the lowest ranked passport in the world.
However, there are three Afghan countries that do not have passports: Dominica, Haiti and Indonesia.
Afghan citizens can apply for a visa on arrival in 18 countries.
They are also eligible to apply for visas online for 13 countries.
In general, to travel to most countries, Afghans must visit the embassy or consulate in person.
Afghan citizenship can be obtained by birth or by naturalization.

Visa-free travel can be a great experience for Afghan citizens

Seeing and discovering new places is a wonderful experience that everyone should have.
With visa-free travel, you can do this easily without having to worry about applying for a visa first.
You are free to explore new places and enjoy sights you wouldn't otherwise have the chance to see.
One of the advantages of visa-free countries is that they allow you to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds.
You can learn about their customs and traditions and get to know them personally.

How to get Afghanistan citizenship and apply for a passport

Afghan citizenship can be acquired by birth as an Afghan or by naturalization.

Naturalization is a way to obtain Afghan citizenship for foreigners and stateless people. The general requirements are that the applicant must be of legal age, have no criminal history in Afghanistan, and have resided in the country for at least five years.

If the applicant has the potential to cause harm, national security may be denied.

To apply for a passport, a person must go to the Passport Department and submit their Afghan identity card, application letter, four passport-sized photographs, Passport Department form and pay the passport fee.Click here

The benefits of visa-free countries for Afghan passport holders

Anyone who gets to visit countries without a visa is a happy person, because traveling without a visa brings many benefits:

  • This saves you a significant amount of time as you won't spend another minute applying for a visa;
  • Because you do not complete the form, you do not share your confidential data;
  • You also save money because you don't have to pay visa fees or waste money going to the embassy;
  • you can extend your trip, add more stops and visit more destinations;
  • you are stress free as you don't have to worry about visa requirements.

3 countries where Afghan passport holders don't need a visa

Afghanistan passport visa-free countries

  • Dominica
  • Haiti
  • Indonesia

Also, Afghan passport holders can get an on-arrival visa in 18 countries. 13 countries issue electronic visas to Afghan citizens.

Visa on arrival countries

  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • Cape Verde
  • Comoros
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Madagascar
  • Maldives
  • Mauritania
  • Mozambique
  • Palau
  • Rwanda
  • Samoa
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • Somalia
  • Timor-Leste
  • Togo
  • Tuvalu
  •  Uganda

Electronic visa countries

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Benin
  • Djibouti
  • Ethiopia
  • Gabon
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • South Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe


How to check if your destination is a visa-free country?

Check the list of visa-free countries to see if your destination is listed there. Note that requirements may change over time, so consider contacting your embassy for updated information.

What's next if your destination is not a visa-free country?

If your destination requires a visa, you should find out which type you qualify for and choose which one you prefer: electronic visa, visa on arrival or regular visa.

Advice for trips to non-visa-free countries

If you're a perfectionist and want to ensure your trip goes smoothly and without hassle, even if you're going to a non-visa-exempt country, follow these helpful tips:

  • apply for a visa in advance to have your documents approved in time for your trip, even if there are some delays;
  • consider the simplest option for applying for a visa: apply online, as this will save you the hassle of going to the embassy and the associated paperwork;
  • Check your passport:
    it must be valid for at least six months and have free space;
  • Make paper copies of your documents just in case, even if not necessary.

Why should you check the different visa requirements of each country before traveling?

Before you travel, you should check the visa requirements carefully, as you want to avoid any bad luck - like being refused entry, having to pay extra money, being fined or even deported from your country. a country.

As you can see, the many consequences can range from spending more money and getting your trip into real trouble with the law.

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